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Real-time Asset Monitoring 

Centralised control simplifies managing a wide array of assets, enhancing efficiency.


Reliable Production Line

Asset availability and proactive maintenance minimise disruptions, optimising production.


Tool Availability and Efficiency

Efficient tool management improves access and utilization, increasing project efficiency.

The manufacturing and engineering sectors face several significant hurdles within its IT support department

These are the three biggest challenges:


Complexity of Diverse Asset Management

Alongside machinery, the sector relies on costly tools and components necessary for production and maintenance tasks. The misplacement, damage, or inadequate tracking of these high-value assets can result in significant financial losses.


Disruptive Production Line Challenges

Any interruption in production line activities can lead to substantial financial setbacks. Effective IT asset management is crucial for ensuring the continuous availability of equipment, parts, and tools to maintain production efficiency.


Tool Availability and Efficiency Impact

Ensuring that engineering tools, instruments, and machinery are readily available when needed is a constant challenge. Inefficient tool tracking and management can result in engineers wasting time searching for tools or experiencing delays in projects.


A majority of respondents from the Manufacturing and Engineering sectors expressed their willingness to explore investments in Digital Workplace Technology, recognising its potential to enhance the productivity and convenience for employees and IT support staff.

Velocity Smart Technology is the trusted Smart Locker and Smart Vending solution embraced by prominent players in the manufacturing and engineering sector.

Velocity works closely with a number of the world's leading manufacturing and engineering clients to customise workflows that align with the specific demands of their industry. Our dedication lies in empowering our devices to meet every requirement of your manufacturing and engineering operations.

Elevate your efficiency with hassle-free smart lockers and vending machines from Velocity Smart Technology! Our Smart Locker and Smart Vending system offer a seamless experience for professionals in manufacturing and engineering. Manage tool loans and optimise on-site logistics with our versatile Smart Collect® application. Step up to Velocity Smart Lockers and Vending machines for a practical and streamlined solution tailored to the unique demands of the manufacturing and engineering sector.

With Velocity Smart Collect® you experience... 


Streamlined Diverse Asset Management

Velocity Smart Lockers and Vending, powered by Velocity Smart Collect™, provide a centralised platform for tracking and managing diverse assets, including tools, parts, and equipment. This integration with ServiceNow ensures seamless and efficient asset management. Smart Collect can be customised to accommodate various asset types, sizes, and configurations. This flexibility ensures that assets are stored securely and can be easily retrieved when needed, reducing the risk of mismanagement or loss.

Enhanced Production Line Efficiency

Velocity Smart Lockers and Vending systems ensure that critical tools and spare parts are readily available to engineers and production teams. Automated check-out and check-in processes streamline access, minimising production disruptions caused by asset unavailability. Smart Collect can provide proactive alerts for required maintenance tasks. This ensures that machinery and equipment remain in optimal working condition, reducing the risk of unexpected downtime.
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Boost Tool Availability and Efficiency

Velocity Smart Lockers enhance tool management by tracking tool usage, facilitating easy check-out/check-in, and generating usage reports. Engineers can quickly locate and access tools, improving project efficiency. By analysing data collected by smart lockers, organisations can gain insights into asset utilisation patterns. This information helps optimise tool allocation and avoid underutilisation, reducing costs and improving efficiency.
Velocity Smart Collect®

The workflows our Manufacturing & Engineering partners use the most

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Tool and Equipment Check-Out/Check-In

Engineers and technicians can easily check out tools and equipment they need for their tasks using the Smart Locker or vending system. Upon completion, they check the items back in.
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Maintenance and Calibration Scheduling

The system can be integrated with maintenance and calibration schedules. It sends proactive alerts to maintenance teams when an asset is due for maintenance or calibration.

Inter-Location Tool Mobility Management

When specific tools or equipment need to move between different manufacturing or engineering locations, the Smart Locker or vending system facilitates this process. Authorised personnel can request tool transfers through the system, specifying the destination.

See Velocity Smart Collect® in action!

Velocity Smart Collect™ is designed to provide the best Smart Locker and Smart Vending solution for enterprise IT Support.

Take a tour through our fully automated app, where you will be able to experience first-hand how you can order and collect equipment from your ServiceNow request portal.

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